Sadguru Techno Fab Pvt. Ltd.
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Candle Filter

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The Candle Filters are installed for clarification and recovery applications from liquids with low solids content. They are an ideal replacement for manual pressure filters and other equipment where solids, solvents and hazardous materials are being handled.

The BHS Candle Filter provides for pressure filtration as well as heel filtration in an enclosed and pressure tight housing. ASME housings can be constructed of various materials. They can also be jacketed for heating/cooling or drying. The filter media can be any type of cloth with a clean removal efficiency in the 1-5 micron range. As the cake builds up on the candles, the efficiency improves to less than 1 micron. Cake washing follows which produces a uniform cake for drying. Drying can be by vacuum or gas blowing. Finally, cake discharge via gas blowback is automatic and contained and is accomplished with minimal gas

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